Write a review and win!
Once a year, the best consultants in the travel market are selected at Düsseldorf Airport. Special service and customer proximity are just two of the characteristics that are at stake. Who, if not you, can judge this better and therefore: Be a member of the jury in the search for the test winner of the DUS EXCELLENCE AWARD in the category Travel Market.
And this is how it works: After you have booked your trip in the travel market, you will receive access to an online questionnaire from the respective travel agency. Answer a few questions about the quality of service provided by the respective travel agency, leave us your details and confirm your participation in the competition via the confirmation link that will be sent to your pre-provided email address. The link is valid for 7 days after receiving the email. Timely confirmation is a prerequisite for participation in the raffle. Twice a month we will select a winner. With a bit of luck, you might be and the airport will contribute up to 500 euros to the costs of the trip you booked with Germany's largest travel agency.
Please note that employees of Flughafen Düsseldorf GmbH, its affiliated companies as well as employees of the travel agency and tour operator as well as their relatives are excluded from participation!